Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Smoking? Not here you're not!

As the Virginia Senate voted today 20-18 passing the ban on indoor smoking, I can't help but praise the senators that did support this ban. Even though that may sound a little conservative, I do not think that so many psople should have the extreme right of smoking where some are allergic or asthmatic to the fact. I myself am allergic to cigarette smoke, that is why I praise this bill. Like Matt Smyth over at Not Larry Sabato mentions here, there are 3 senators that changed their minds.



Neal said...

Yep. I'm against this measure...

Anonymous said...

I completely disagree with this bill. We all have things which cause us discomfort. This is not a bill in support of public health. A cigarette tax would curb smoking. This bill is a cosmetic attempt at public health and a handout to the insurance industry...the same ones who give big money to Senator Bell.

I wrote about this on my blog as well.


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