Tuesday, January 31, 2006

State of the Union

Well, it has been infinitely long since I made a post here one Virginia Left Wing, mainly because of the ever-pressing government homework that arises every day(Neal, don't say a word). But anyway, you asked for it. Here's a new post... finally.

President Bush delivered his annual State of the Union address tonight as the country contemplates its actual place in the world, seeing as how our economy isn't where it should be, more than half of the country thinks Bush is failing, and we are hated by more and more countries every day.

He outlined points on terrorism and stem-cell research, among points on the war.

I think one of the things that I found funny was how the Repubs. would stand up at almost everything, and the Dems stood up, like, once. I found that to be quite funny.

And the point made about human-animal hybrids? What an idiot! That is NOT stem-cell research! That is some made-up stuff that does not even relate to the science.

I myself believe in stem cell research, believing it will find possibly find a cure for cancer, AIDS, and everything else we need to combat when it comes to diseases.



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